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Nurse Coach Blog
What does your future look like if your lifestyle remains the same?
Jessica Nunns Jessica Nunns

What does your future look like if your lifestyle remains the same?

If you’re thinking about a healthy lifestyle change, you’re not alone. Per the Center for Disease Control, 6 in 10 adults have a chronic disease, 4 in 10 have two or more, and America spends $4.1 Trillion in annual Health Care costs (1). Yikes! In 2020, the pandemic struck and further illustrated the importance of our individual health and illuminated the fact that many of us are more than just physically unwell, but holistically unwell. We are physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually drained.

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Promote health and well-being with a daily dose of optimism
Jessica Nunns Jessica Nunns

Promote health and well-being with a daily dose of optimism

Many scientific studies suggest that being optimistic brings positive rewards, including better health. Do you go into your day with overwhelming thoughts, expecting the worst, and lack the confidence to achieve your health goals? If you tend to lean towards a “glass-half empty”, you might be interested to discover the advantages of choosing to be optimistic. Optimism is a skill that can be learned over time to approach goals and life challenges with confidence.

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Time Management: How to use time more effectively
Jessica Nunns Jessica Nunns

Time Management: How to use time more effectively

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the pressure of responsibilities and the never-ending to-do lists? As a Health and Wellness Coach, one of the top barriers to achieve goals is not the desire, but the feeling that there is not enough time in the day. Everyone gets 168 hours in a week to choose how to spend their time. Time cannot be increased or changed in any way. However, what we can change, improve, and manage is ourselves. In essence then, true time management now becomes management of ourselves – “self-management”!

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